1. What is the code of conduct?
- a. It’s mean that one takes full responsibility of his actions along with the integrity for the company. All employees apply the ethics and use them as the guide to bring success for the company’s sustainability. It can be assumed as one of the main factors in managing the employees.
2. Who needs to follow?
- a. All the employees from all different position of the company.
- b. Company’s director must be the example of the one who applies the code of conduct without fails.
3. What do we do with ethics?
- a. To understand the basic principles of the company
- b. Always make sure what to discuss with the seniors if you are currently undertaking is ethical or not.
- c. To understand the employee’s ways of working ethically and to create the clean and workable environment.
- d. Speak out when someone is doing unethical acts in the company and coordinate when the investigation is being started.